Bamboo will play an important role in the country's economy after the Kovid-19 epidemic

     Union Minister Jitendra Singh said that bamboo could become the main pillar of the environmental, medicinal, paper and construction sectors in India and an important part of the country's economy after the Kovid-19 epidemic.Presiding over a review meeting of the Ministry of Development of North East Region, Singh urged the Center for Cane and Bamboo Technology (CBTC) to explore the possibilities of setting up vocational training and skill development centers for the bamboo sector so that full exploitation of this area And packaging, branding and marketing in India and abroad.

     Bamboo is an herbivorous, angiosperm, plant of a cotyledon Poaceae clan. Other important members of its family are dab, wheat, maize, barley and paddy. It is the fastest growing wood plant on Earth. Some of its species grow up to 121 centimeters (6.7 inches) in a day (24 hours). Only for a short time, but sometimes its speed reaches 1 meter (39 m) per hour. Its trunk is long, clovenly, usually hollow and branched. The stem originates from the lower nodes of the placental root.

     There are clear festivals and festivals on the stem. The clusters are solid and hollow. This type of stem is called a treatise. Its roots are ectopic and fibrous. Its leaves are simple, their top parts are pointed like spears. The leaves are petrified and have a parallel configuration. This plant bears fruit only once in its life. The flower comes white. Bamboo is an important plant in Western Asia and South-Western Asia.

     It has economic and cultural significance. Homes are built by this, it is also a source of food. Hundred grams of bamboo seeds contain 80.34 grams of carbohydrates and 24.5.4 kcal of energy. Any substance with so much carbohydrate and so much energy will definitely be healthy. [1] There are more than 1000 species of bamboo with more than 40 descendants. From cold mountainous regions to the tropics, throughout East Asia, from 500 northern latitudes to northern Australia and the west, in India and the Himalayas, in the Sub-Saharan regions of Africa and from southeast America in the Americas to Argentina and Chile (60 south) Latitude), bamboo forests are found. Anyone can become a millionaire by cultivating bamboo. Once the bamboo is planted in the field, after 5 years, it starts producing.

     Outbreaks of drought and insect diseases may occur on other crops. Due to which the farmer has to bear the economic loss. But bamboo is a crop that does not have much effect of drought and rain. [2] Bamboo tree releases 30 percent more oxygen than other trees and draws carbon dioxide, as well as carbon dioxide in a day like peepal tree. Draws and releases oxygen at night.


     Bamboo is an eco-friendly, bio-decaying and natural building material that has superior potency and construction properties. The word 'Bambu' in English is derived from the Indian word 'Mambu' or 'Bambu'. Bamboo can grow very fast. In some species it increases to 1 meter in a day.Bamboo is found in North and South America, Africa, Australia and South Asia. The largest species of bamboo is found in China. Bamboo is produced in a wide range of areas and areas with different elevations, from 1⁄4 sea level to 3500 meters elevation. Bamboo conserves many times more carbon from the atmosphere than other fast-growing trees. Bamboo fields are most effective in preserving the upper part of the soil.Biological production from bamboo depends on its species, region, environment and climate. This can lead to bio-production of 50 to 100 tonnes per hectare. In which 60-70 percent pen, 10-15 percent twig and 15 to 20 percent. A hectare planted area of ​​bamboo can absorb 17 tons of carbon from the atmosphere every year.

      Due to the rapid growth of bamboo, 30 tonnes of bamboo can be produced per hectare in a year with proper cropping facility. It takes 30 to 60 years for an 18 meter tall tree to be rebuilt after cutting it. In comparison, 18 meters of bamboo can be grown back in 59 days. Bamboo usually flowers in 12 to 120 years, and seeds are obtained.The time it takes for flowers and seeds depends on the species of bamboo. Its seed is generally similar to that of grass seed which is also used in food by the local population.According to an estimate, bamboo contributes more than 12 billion US dollars to the world economy, in which the developing country is the leader. Due to the continuous search for innovative bamboo products, its economic potential is immense. Due to the natural beauty of bamboo, its demand is increasing rapidly in the world of beauty and design. Apart from this, many such new technologies have developed so that the use of wood can be replaced by bamboo.

       The total area of ​​bamboo forests in India is 11.4 million hectares, which is 13 percent of the total forest area. So far, about 2000 different uses of bamboo are known, including construction of structures, household utilities, furnishings, buffer area for fuel and air, etc. The estimated annual production of bamboo in India is 13.5 million tonnes. The northeastern region of the country is very rich in bamboo production and produces 65 percent of the country and 20 percent of the world's bamboo.After China, India ranks second in the genetic resources of bamboo with 136 species of which 58 species are found in North Eastern India. Efficient, robust and reasonably priced equipment is required for proper processing of bamboo. So that productivity can be increased, hard labor is reduced and wastage of cans can be reduced. These development works have increased the possibilities of bamboo use in various fields such as horticulture, livestock, fisheries.It can be used in crop architecture, storage structures, habitats, fisheries structures, fish nets, transportation of fish seeds etc. The production of bamboo products at the village level can become a means of employment and good income. Bamboo can also be used to manufacture equipment used in agricultural operations. Thus bamboo in agricultural equipment can be adopted as a green engineering material.

The stem

     The most useful part of bamboo is stem. Bamboo is found in large groups in the tropical region. The new branches from the bamboo stem continuously extend outward and extend its enclosure, but in the temperate and cold tropics this group is relatively small and the length of the stems only increases. Stems range in length from 30 to 150 feet and width from 1/4 inch to one foot. In the stem, the internode is connected to the node. In some, the entire stem remains solid.There is no twig in the bottom two-thirds. By looking at the structure of the leaves above the new branches, different dams are identified. The branches grow an average of three inches per day in the first three months, after which they grow from 10 to 50 inches from the bottom to the top.The strength of the stem depends on the silica collected and its thickness. Bamboo does not spoil in water for many days and is likely to be destroyed due to insects.

Bamboo flowers and fruits

     The life of a bamboo is from 1 to 50 years, until the flowers bloom. The flowers are very small, colorless, without stalks, found in small bunches. First three, four, small, dried glumes are found in a flower. They are followed by a boat shaped palea. There are six stamens. There is very small short hair on the upper part of the ovary. A single grain is formed in it. Generally, bamboo flourishes only when farming is killed and famine due to drought.The buds blossom in place of the leaves due to the dry and hot air. Leaves fall when the flowers are in bloom. Many bamboo flourish in a year. Some such bamboo are found on the Nilgiri hills. Most of the bamboo in India flourishes collectively and periodically. Only after this, the life of bamboo ends. Dry stems fall and close the path. The following year, after the rains, new spores from the seeds burst and the forest turns green again.If the time of flowering is known, the blossom can be stopped by pruning the cut. Each bamboo carries from 4 to 20 ser, fruits similar to barley or rice. Whenever they are sold, they are sold cheaper than rice. 1812 AD In the Orissa famine, they were the food and life preserver of the poor people.

Bamboo farming

     Bamboo grows slowly from seeds. The seed starts growing in the first week of arrival in the soil. In some cases two small seedlings grow on the tree. Workable bamboo is ready after 10 to 12 years. They are produced in India by pressure pen. The lower part of the undercooked stems, three inches in length, is cut under a little node and is applied after the rain has started to a degree. If it also has a portion of rhizome, it is very good New roots emerge from its lower part.

Bamboo paper

     Bamboo is a useful tool for paper making, with very little care and very large quantities of paper can be made. There are many difficulties in this action. Nevertheless, bamboo paper is an ancient industry in China and India. In China, paper is made from all parts of bamboo. For this, after sorting the leaves, cutting the stem into small pieces, rinse with lime in puddles filled with water for three to four months.After which it is cleaned by kneading it in large revolving ankles. The pulp is made white or colored by adding chemicals as required and then pressing and drying it on hot pan.

Other uses of bamboo

     Boiled water after putting little twigs and leaves is given to the animals for cleaning the stomach after having a child. Where medical equipment is not available, the bamboo stems and leaves are trimmed and cleaned and used for cleaning. The hollow stem of bamboo is the support of the handicapped. In its open part, the foot is hinged. A variety of mats, chairs, tables, cots and other items are used for binning.Fishing hooks, nets, etc. are made from bamboo. It is very useful for building houses and building bridges. A variety of items are made from it, such as spoons, knives, rice cookware. This vessel is used on the occasion of worship in Naga people. From this, agricultural tools, wool and cotton spun are made. Small placards are taken into the water, and fishing is taken from them.Arms, bows, spears etc. were made from Bamboo. In the old times, forts were protected from thorny bushes of bamboo. Enemies can be killed with a sharp-edged small object called pangis. With this, various types of instruments, such as flute, violin, jurors harp of Naga people and Okalang of Malaya are made. Its wood is considered very useful in Asia and comes from small household items to building houses. Bamboo shoots are eaten and its pickle and jam are also made.

Indian Forest Amendment, 2017

     Government of India announced (November 2014) the Indian Forest (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017 to encourage bamboo cultivation in non-forest areas, which exempts bamboo grown in non-forest areas from being brought under the definition of tree. And thus may be exempted from the requirement of cutting / transit permits for its economic use.

     Bamboo, though falls under the definition of grass, is legally defined as a tree under the Indian Forest Act, 1927. Prior to this amendment, the provisions of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 (IFA, 1927) applied to the cutting / transit of bamboo grown on any forest and non-forest land. This was a major obstacle in the way of bamboo cultivation on non-forest land by the farmers.

     One of the major objectives of this amendment was to encourage bamboo cultivation in non-forest areas to achieve the dual goal of increasing the income of farmers and increasing the green area of ​​the country. Bamboo grown in forest areas will still be governed by the provisions of the Indian Forest Act, 1927.

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