This fruit can cure even cancer!

  Watermelon is a summer fruit. They are green from outside, but are red and rich in water and sweet from inside. Their crop is usually prepared in summer. Traditionally, it is considered good to eat them in summer as they fulfill the lack of water in the body. Watermelon contains about 97% water. It fulfills the amount of glucose in the body. According to some sources, watermelon keeps blood pressure balanced and cures many diseases. In Hindi, it is also called Matira (in some parts of Rajasthan) and Hadwana (in some parts of Haryana).


Watermelon is a long duration crop that grows more when it is high temperature, so it is cultivated in high temperature areas. It is considered favorable for its natural growth. Watermelon cultivation can be done from highly sandy soils to smooth loam soils, especially in sandy lands along the rivers. Watermelon cultivation is good in the sandy lands of Rajasthan, with proper drainage sandy in the plains. Land with loam is considered to be the best. Land of 5.5 to 4.0Ph is suitable for this, first plowing with soil plow plow And after that running harrows or cultivators 2-3 times is said to be good for this.

Watermelon is sown as follows: 
Riverside - October - November. 
In the plain areas - mid February - mid March. Quantity of seeds - 90 to 5 kg seeds per hectare is sufficient.
   In the plains, it is sown in flat land or on dowels, while in the mountainous areas it is sown in some high elevation beds. 2.50 meters wide are made on each side of it, at a depth of 1.5 cm on each side, 3-4. Seeds are sown. The mutual distance of the fields depends on the fertility of the land. In the square system, a distance of 4 times 1 meter is kept. The distance between the rows and the plants is mutual. Depending on watermelon varieties.

Varieties and Species

sugar baby

This is a variety brought from the United States, the fruits of this variety are ready for plucking 75-100 days after sowing the seeds, which have an average weight of 7-8 kg, the seeds in this fruit are very less, the seeds are small, brown. And on one end are black. This variety has gained much popularity in North India. It gives yield of 200 to 250 quintals per heel. The skin is green, pulp red, sweet.

Hopeful yamato

   It is a variety brought from Japan, the average weight of the fruit of this variety is 4-6 kg, its peel is green and moderately striped, its pulp is dark pink sweet, its seeds are small, giving yield of 2225 quintals per hectare.

New Hampshire Midgut

 It is an advanced variety, the average weight of its fruits is 15-20 kg. The fruits of this variety are edible in 75 days, the skin is green and light striped, this variety is very good for growing in the house garden.


 This variety has been developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. The most important feature of this variety is that its fruits do not contain seeds, the fruit is pulp pink and more juicy and sweet. This variety should be ready in 45 -90 days. She goes.

 Durgapura Saffron

 This variety has been developed by Udaipur University's Vegetable Research Center Durgapur Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is a very important achievement in the development of watermelon varieties. The fruit weighs 7-8 kg. The fruit is green on which dark green color The pulp is of saffron color, it has sweetness of 10 percent.

 Arka Jyoti

 This variety has been developed by the Indian Horticultural Research Institute, Bangalore, with an American and an indigenous variety, the fruit weighs 4-8 kg. Its pulp is bright red in color, its edible pulp is comparable to other varieties. In addition, the storage capacity of fruits is also high, yields up to 350 quintals per hectare.

 Arka Manik

 This variety has been developed by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore. It is a resistant variety of anthracnose, churni mildew and mriduromil mildew, yielding up to 80 tonnes per hectare.


 It is a medium-time (45-80 days) variety, its fruit is light green to dark streaks, its pulp is dark pink and solid, it is superior in quality and sweet taste. The temperature is tolerant. This variety has been released by NRCH for cultivation in hot arid areas and yields up to 50-50 tonnes per hectare.

Natural viagra

  Some claim that it also acts to prevent obesity and diabetes.  Arginine promotes nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood arteries.  An Indian-American scientist has claimed that watermelon also produces a Viagra-like effect. According to Dr. Bhimu Patil, scientist at the Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center of Texas, "the more we go about researching watermelons, the more  Learn more. This fruit is a mine of quality and is a boon for the body. Watermelon contains a neutrin called citrullin which in the arginine after going into the body  Turns. Arginain is a Myuno Isid which increases the body's immunity and has strong blood cruises.

Benefits of watermelon

  • Quickly digest food by drinking watermelon juice after eating food. Ease of sleeping Reduced chance of heat from the juice.
  • Benefits in reducing obesity.
  • Increasing and clearing the blood in polio patients. Beneficial in skin diseases.
  • Benefit from consuming half-glass of juice in the hot summer.
  • Lycopene is found in melon which preserves the glow of the skin.
  • Due to the abundance of vitamins and it also keeps the immune system of the body good. Vitamin A is good for the eyes.
  • Rubbing watermelon on the face can help improve blackheads as well.
  • The benefit of drinking water mixed with dew or watermelon juice in the morning on burning sensation in urine.
  • Cooling of body with cool watermelon syrup in summer. Face brightening. Rubbing red pulses on the hands, feet, neck and face.
  • Repeated coughing stops eating watermelon in dry cough.
  • Eating black pepper powder, rock and black salt on watermelon slices prevents sour belts.
  • The benefit of eating cold watermelon of fridge in the event of fever in walking in the sun.
  • Benefits of washing watermelon pulp on the affected area by "black heads".
  • Vitamin A, B, C and iron are also found in plenty in watermelon, which makes the blood ruddy and pure.

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