kachnar flower all history



If there is inflammation in the body, there is lump or there is any deformity in the lymph gland, then the herb whose name is paramount in removing it is Kachnar. Due to its amazing qualities, in Sanskrit language it has been referred to by virtuous names such as gandari, ie, a flower like a luster, a kovidar i.e. a bizarre flower and a torn leaf etc. Today, if someone gets a lump somewhere in the body, he becomes anxious and sad because he is not aware of the properties and uses of Kachnar, so here is useful information about Kachnar, the plant that removes inflammation, lumps and ulcers. Is going


Name distinction from language distinction: Sanskrit - Kashnar. Hindi - Kachnar Marathi- Coral, Kanchan. Gujarati - Champakanti. Bungalow- Kanchan. Telugu- Devakanchanmu. Tamil - Mandare. Kannada - Kayumandar. Malayalam - Chuvannamandaram. Punjabi - Kulad. Kol- Jurju, Buj, Burang. Santhali - Xinjir. English- Mountain Ebony. Latin- Bohinia variegata.


Properties: Kachnar is cold, receptive, astringent and brings out phlegm, bile, worm, leprosy, necrosis, goiter and ulcer. Its fruit is light, dry, receptive and bile, blood disorders, leucorrhoea, decay and cough. It is bitter in cold semen and fat. Its main effect is on goiter (lump) and lymph nodes.


Chemical composition: Tannin (astringent) sugars and brown gum are found in its bark. Seeds produce 16.5% of a yellow pigment oil.


Introduction: The tree of Kachanar is of medium size, its bark is brown in color and torn in length. From the point of view of flowers, Kachnar is of three types - white, yellow and red. All three types of trees grow in the foothills of Himalayas in India and everywhere in the country. Trees are planted for beauty in gardens. Flowering occurs in this tree during the fall of February-March and fruits in April-May. Its bark is found at the grocer shop and during the season, its flowers are available here at the vegetable vendors.


Dose and intake method: Take 3 to 6 grams (half to one teaspoon) of the bark of mountain bark with cold water twice a day. You can also take 4-4 teaspoons (after cooling) of one spoon of honey by making it decoction.


Uses: In Ayurvedic medicine, the bark of Kachnar is mostly used. It is used for smelting the gland in any part of the body. Apart from this, bark of catharsis is also used for blood disorders and skin diseases such as ringworm, itching, eczema, boils and pimples etc. In the endometrium, it is used to stop menstrual bleeding, bleeding in bile and bloody piles. In chronic diseases, when toxins, mangoes etc. are mixed in metals, then gradually weakening starts, the patient of mumps suffers from mild fever, some have blood disorders and boils on the skin. . For such a patient, consuming kachnar proves to be as beneficial as nectar.

Kachnar is a beautiful flowering tree. Small or medium height trees of Kachanar occur everywhere in India. Under the Leguminosae clade and Caesalpinioideae subfamily, it is given the same name as the two species of Bauhinia, but a few different species, called Bauhinia variegata) and Bauhinia purpurea (Bauhinia puria). In the vegetation of the species of Bauhinia, the front of the letter is cut or pressed in the middle as if two letters are connected. That is why Kachanar is also called zygote.

In Bauhinia variegata, both the segments of the letter are rounded and separated by a third or quarter distance, the leaflets are from 13 to 15, the apex of the inflorescence is flat and the flowers are large, dull, white, pink or nilar. A wreath is of painted alloy. According to Pushpavarna, its white and red can be considered as two distinctions. In Bauhinia purpurea, the leaflets are more distally distinct, from 6 to 11, the inflorescence of the inflorescence is angular and the inflorescence blue due to the embossed joints.

Kovidar and Kanchanar's segregation is not clear even in Ayurvedic form. The reason for this can be both virtuous and rhetorical. Their flowers and bark are used in medicine. Kachanar is the destroyer of Kashaya, Sheetvirya and Kapha, Pitta, Worm, Leprosy, Gudbrash, Gandamala and Vrn. Its flowers are sweet, receptive and destroy blood vessels, blood disorders, leucorrhoea, decay and cough. Its primary form is "Kanchanarugugul", which is useful in Gandmala. The herb of Kovidar's undeveloped flower leaves is also made, in which the sum of green gram (Horhe) is very tasty.

Caste (Biology)

Caste (English: species, species) is the most basic and lower class in the biological classification of organisms. From the biological point of view, a group of such organisms is called a caste which has the ability to produce offspring with each other and whose offspring themselves have the ability to produce offspring further. For example, a wolf and a lion cannot bear a child among themselves, so they are considered to be of different castes. A horse and donkey can produce a child among themselves (called a mule), but because the mule is unable to bear a child, horses and donkeys are also considered to be of different castes. In contrast, dogs are found in very different sizes, but any male dog and female dog can have children that are capable of producing offspring themselves. Therefore, all dogs, irrespective of their breed, are considered members of the same race from a biological point of view. [1]

Different castes having similarities with each other, in which the biologists believe that they originated from the same ancestor in the past, have been divided into separate branches over time through evolution. Is inserted in For example, horses, donkeys and zebras belong to different castes but all three are considered members of the same 'Equus' dynasty. [2]


The definition of castes in modern times is also done by examining other aspects. For example, the DNA of organisms is often tested using genetics, and on this basis, those organisms that have a DNA imprint match each other and are different from other organisms.


The definition used for the term "caste" and reliable methods of identifying caste are essential for biological tests and assessment of biodiversity. Many examples of proposed castes should be studied by adding letters before it is considered a caste. It is generally a short categorized category for those extinct species whose information is only possible from fossils.


Some zoologists can view statistical phenomena against the class of species seen in animals, against the traditional idea. In such a situation, a species is defined as a distinctly involved lineage that forms a single gene pool. However, definitions such as DNA-sequence and morphology that are used to help isolate lineages that are very closely related to one another have clear limitations. However, the exact definition of the word "caste" is still controversial, especially in relation to the biosphere, [3] and is called the caste problem. [4] Biologists have given more detailed definitions, but only a few options are used. Which depend on the characteristics of the respective castes. [4]

Common Names and Castes

Ideally, a caste is formally given a scientific name, although in practice there are many such castes (which are only interpreted, names are not given). A caste is named when it is placed in lineage / lineage. From a scientific point of view, it can be assumed that castes are much more (if any) related to the genus of other castes than to other lineages (genus). A common cast includes and / is best known as its classification category: life, region, state, caste, class, order, family, clan and caste. Letting the genus determine it is not invariant; A classification scientist can later give it a different (or similar) genus, due to which its name will also change.

In biological nomenclature, a caste name (binomial name) has two parts, they are considered Latin, although the name and place of any native language or the person's name can be used for it. The caste name first (first letter in big words) is followed by the second word, special name (or special title) is listed. For example, the species known as the long-leaf pine is the genus Pinus palustris, whose brown wolves belong to the Canis lumpus, the Coytes canis latrans, the golden fox canis orus, and they all belong to the genus Canis ( Including many other castes). Only in other words (which are called specific names for animals), not only are the caste names completely binary.


This bipartisan naming tradition was later used by Leonhard Fuchs to convert the nomenclature to the biological code, and was issued by Carolus Linnaeus as a standard in 1753 at the Species Plantarum (his 1758 System Nature, tenth edition). At that time the main biological principle was that the freely represented species were originated by God and hence they are considered to be real and immutable, so that the hypothesis of common ancestry is not applicable.

In books and articles / they are abbreviated / and its abbreviation is spelled "sp." In a phrase and "spp." In the plural: for example, kenis sp. This usually happens in the following situations:


The authors are quite certain that some belong to this particular genus but are not completely convinced to which caste in particular they belong. This is particularly common in paleontology.

To summarize the author call it "spp." Use that applies to many species in a genus, but does not want to say that it applies to all species of that genus. What scientists say is that some things in the genus apply to all races, the genus name they use for a particular name.

In books and articles, the names of genus and castes are usually printed in italics (skewed type). "sp." And "spp." It should not be italicized using.

Difficulty in defining "caste" and identifying those particular castes

It is astonishingly difficult to explain the term "caste" which applies to all natural beings and to biologists about how to interpret castes and how to identify real castes is called the caste problem.


In most textbooks, a race is a "real and potentially inter-breed natural population group" that is set apart as other such breeding groups. [6]


Various parts of this definition, such as some unusual or artificial conferences, are excluded from it:

Once our attention is redirected to a particular person, then we will need to devise another method of generalization. We are not interested in any kind of surety from any person, now we have to establish a relationship with other people of the person whom they came in contact with. To make generalizations about the group of contact beings we need to leave out the kind of language and abstract that is normative (which describes how Finch should be) and adopt the language of statistics and probability, Which is predictive (which tells us about Finch's average under the given circumstances of what we have to do). Relations will be more important than classes; Actions that are variable will be more important than those objectives; Transitions will be more important than boundaries; Sequences will be more important than hierarchy.

It is a hopeless endeavor to determine this fact on an appropriate basis, unless some definitions of the term "caste" are often accepted and the definition does not include a factor that is not likely to be included, such as a work of composition. [ 9]

The modern theory of development rests on new fundamental definitions of "caste". Prior to Darwin, naturalists saw castes as ideal or common types, which can be exemplified with an ideal model that has all the same qualities as a normal race. The uniformity of Darwin's theory shifted attention from the simple to the special. According to intellectual historian Lewis Meinand,

The lack of any apparent caste deficiency in microbiology has led some authors to argue that the use of the term "caste" is not correct when studying bacteria. Instead, they observed genes far-flung related bacteria, bacteria associated with the entire bacterial region, with a gene pool independently. Nevertheless, the rule of thumb was established stating that more than 97% of the same 16S rRNA gene sequence bacteria or Archaea should be examined by DNA – DNA hybridization regardless of whether they belong to the same species. [11] The concept has recently been updated, stating that the 97% threshold was too low and could be increased to 98.7%. [12]


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