Fig tree

     Fig is the fruit of a tree which falls when it is ripe.People eat ripe fruit. The dried fruit sells. Eat it with milk and sugar, slicing or grinding dried fruit. Its delicious jam is also made. The quantity of sugar in dried fruit is about 42 percent and in fresh ripe fruit it is 22 percent.Calcium and vitamins 'A' and 'B' are found in plenty in it. Constipation is cured by eating it.

    Fig is a deciduous shrub or a small tree of origin in the midwestern region and southwest Asian, found from Pakistan to Greece. Its length can be up to 3–10 feet.This fruit is succulent and pulpy. Its color may be light yellow, dark golden or dark purple.Fig is a delicious, healthy and versatile fruit known for its beauty and taste. It is one of such old fruits of the world, which was known to pharaohs of Egypt even in ancient times. Nowadays it has started growing in Iran, Central Asia and now also in the Mediterranean countries. In ancient Greece, this fruit was so important commercially and its export was banned. Today the world's oldest fig tree is in a garden in Sicily.
   Fig tree is small and deciduous (deciduous) in nature. The plot between Turkistan and northern India is considered to be its place of origin. It flourishes well in the countries of the Mediterranean coast and the climate there. It is undoubtedly one of the ancient trees, and people of ancient times also liked it.The Greeks received it from Caria; Hence its caste was named Carika. The Romans respected this tree as a sign of future prosperity. It is cultivated commercially in Spain, Algeria, Italy, Turkey, Portugal and Greece.This small pear shaped fruit has no special strong aroma but is succulent and pulpy.
   It can be light yellow, dark golden or dark purple in color. The color of the peel has no effect on the taste, but its taste depends on where it has been grown and how ripe it is. The whole skin can be eaten with seeds and pulp. In home remedies, it is believed that permanent constipation is overcome by eating figs.For colds, lung diseases, boil five figs in water and filter it and drink this water twice a day. It is beneficial to eat fig in asthma which brings out phlegm (phlegm); it brings out phlegm. Raw figs can be cooked at room temperature but do not have a natural taste. Figs are used in various ways in home remedies.


    Figs contain calcium, fiber and vitamins A, B, C. A fig has about 30 calories. In a dry fig, Calories 79, Protein 0.579 grams, Carb 12.62 grams, Fiber 2.32 grams, Total Fat 0.222 grams, Saturated Fat 0.065 grams, Polyunsaturated Fat 0.107, Monosaturated Fat0.09 Contains gram, sodium 2 mg and vitamin A, B, C.

     Fibers located in figs have been found to be helpful in warding off breast cancer and menopause problems while keeping weight balanced. Dried figs contain phenol, omega-3, omega-6. This fatty acid helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.It is the sweetest fruit in the world due to it having 43 percent sugar. Diabetes is especially beneficial in diabetes compared to other fruits. Figs are a good source of potassium, which helps in controlling blood pressure and blood sugar.Figs contain a lot of calcium, which helps to strengthen bones. Figs are high in potassium and low in sodium, so it also prevents the problem of hypertension. Consumption of figs has also seen benefits in all diseases such as diabetes, colds, asthma and indigestion.

Types of figs

There are four main types of figs:

  1.  Capri Fig, the oldest and from which other figs originated.
  2. Smyrna
  3. White Sanpredu
  4. Simple fig

Benefits of figs:

  1. Digestive System

    To improve the digestive system, soak two-three figs in water overnight and eat the same morning or next with honey.Fiber is needed to improve the digestive system and eliminate constipation from the root. An adequate amount of dietary fiber is found in figs. Therefore, when fig is consumed, its fiber properties can help cleanse the stomach. Feces are easily excreted from the body. Diarrhea can also be cured by consuming fig due to fiber.

2. For the heart

   When the amount of triglyceride in our body increases, then heart related diseases start happening. Figs can be consumed to deal with it. Eating figs can reduce the amount of triglyceride in the blood and make the heart function properly.Therefore, figs have many benefits for a healthy heart. To control triglyceride, ask doctor about the amount of fig you should take.


    Figs contain a soluble fiber called pectin, which can reduce levels of bad cholesterol from the blood. Also, the fiber properties of figs can clear excess cholesterol from the digestive system. Figs also contain vitamin-B6, which produces serotonin. Cirrotonin can improve mood by controlling cholesterol levels.Figs also have properties such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and phytosterols, which can work to control cholesterol levels.

4. Low weight

     If someone is thinking about losing weight, figs can help.When food is digested properly and on time, excess body fat is not stored and there is no worry of weight gain.

5. Diabetes

     Its leaves along with fig fruit are also good for health. There are many such beneficial elements in fig leaves, which can control the level of glucose in the blood. A study has confirmed that if figs are included in the diet, they can help fight diabetes. Therefore, the benefits of eating figs include treating diabetes.To avoid diabetes or reduce its effects, boil four-five leaves of figs in hot water and drink it after boiling. Apart from this, dry fig leaves first and then grind them to powder. After this, put the powder in a liter of water and boil it. Now drink this tea.

6. Cancer

     What is the importance of fig for health, it seems from this that it is capable of keeping away even a deadly disease like cancer. Fig fruit can help prevent stomach and breast cancer from growing.The mucin collects the stomach filth in one place and then expels it.A study has found that women who consume dietary fiber in excess of adolescence, the risk of breast cancer decreases to a great extent. Consumption of fiber in high amounts can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 16 percent, while it reduces the risk of breast cancer by 24 percent before menopause. Fig juice and dry fig contain ingredients that can reduce the risk of breast cancer after menopause.

7. To the bones

    Figs have been considered the main sources of calcium, potassium and magnesium.This is the reason that eating figs is recommended for the health of bones, because calcium is found in plenty in figs.

8. Blood pressure

    Several scientific research has confirmed that if figs are consumed regularly, blood pressure can be kept balanced. Both the fiber and potassium found in fig can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and keep it balanced. Apart from this, figs also contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can help in balancing the blood pressure in the body.

9. Antioxidant

   Properties of figs have been considered as the major source of antioxidants. Due to its antioxidant effect, figs protect against many diseases by eliminating free radicals in the body. Phenolic antioxidant properties are also found in figs.

10. Sexual power

    The article noted above that figs are fruits rich in calcium, iron, potassium and zinc. In addition, it also contains magnesium and essential minerals, which help to increase the ability to increase androgen and estrogen hormones.

11. Sore throat

    The throat often worsens with the changing season. During this time it is common to have a sore throat or pain. If figs are consumed in this condition, some relief from pain and soreness can be found. Figs contain high amounts of mucilage, which can relieve sore throat. Eating fig fruit can give relief to the throat and drinking its juice can reduce throat pain.

12.source of energy

   The body needs energy for a day's run. To maintain this energy, it is necessary to include figs in the diet along with food. Consumption of figs increases energy levels. Figs contain carbohydrates and sugar, which can increase energy in the body manifold. The benefits of eating figs include better energy levels.


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