Benefits of pineapple stimulate digestive power in all history




   Pineapple (English: pineapple, vow: Ananas comosus) is the common name for an edible tropical plant and its fruit. However, from a technical point of view, it is a group of many fruits that merge. [1] It is originally from Paraguay and southern Brazil. It is a fruit. [2] Pineapple is also eaten by cutting it fresh and is also consumed by preserving it in molasses or by extracting the juice. It is also used as a dessert after meals and as a meat substitute in fruit-cocktails. [3] It is of a high acidic nature (possibly malic or citric acid) in sweet form. is. Pineapple is the only bromeliac fruit cultivated.

    Pineapples also have great medicinal properties. It excretes toxins inside the body. It contains plenty of chlorine. It is also beneficial in bile disorders and jaundice i.e., pandu diseases. It is beneficial in diseases of throat and urine. [Citation needed] In addition, it makes bones strong. There is abundant magnesium in pineapple. It works by strengthening the bones of the body and providing energy to the body. Consuming one cup of pineapple juice provides 45% of the magnesium needed for the day. Also, it is useful in many diseases. Bromylene found in this fruit is beneficial in cold and cough, swelling, sore throat and arthritis. It is also useful in digestion. Pineapple is also useful for eye-light due to its properties. Eating this fruit three times a day reduces the risk of reduced eye light with increasing age. According to the research of Australian scientists, it also reduces the risk of cancer. It is a source of high antioxidants and is rich in Vitamin C. This increases the body's resistance and also provides protection from common cold. This reduces the risk of many other infections, including a cold. [3]

Benefits of pineapple stimulate digestive power

    Pineapple is a valuable reservoir of vitamin C and vitamin C is an extremely important nutrient for the functioning of the immune system. It protects the body from various types of viruses and promotes the body's resistance process against infectious diseases like colds, flu, ear infections and etc. Vitamin C also acts as an anti-oxidant that protects the body from free-radical damage. The accumulation of free radicals in the body causes plaque production, which is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases.

    In studies related to this field, it has been found that eating pineapple in the morning can reduce the nausea and vomiting caused by morning sickness. A folk remedy also suggests that morning sickness can be cured by consuming pineapple juice. The credit for this benefit goes to the high amount of minerals and vitamins involved in it, especially vitamin B6.


    So the next time you feel morning sickness, take a bowl of freshly chopped pineapple or enjoy its juice.

    Since pineapple is a perennial plant, it spends the first month after planting to make leaf rosettes. At this time, the trunk grows to a length of 20 to 80 cm and thickens, from which the ga ense planted in a spiral, the narrow pointed peak leaves extend

    This is due to the fact that in places of native habitat, plants sometimes experience a severe lack of moisture. The observed shape of the leaf plates is also intended for water storage, with rain gusts and dew spreading below and below the stems, where the surface of the pineapple has a fibrous root system.

   Water also accumulates in the succulent pulp of the leaves, for which, if necessary, supports both the whole plant and the embryo formation. How much does a pineapple grow until it bears fruit? Pineapple is ready for flowering in 12-18 months after planting. The term may vary depending on the variety and variety of the plant, but the process of flower and fruit formation is the same in all species.

    On the broad, leafless extension of the stem, small flowers, attached to the open with ga spike-shaped flowers. The number of beaters, not exceeding the length of 1.5–2 cm and having lilac or phallus can be up to purple-pink bushes. First, bisexual flowers open in the lower layers, then the flowers extend to the upper buds. +


    The ovaries are berries that, after almost formation, begin to merge with each other, forming a familiar juicy pineapple under a single firm bark.

    The matrix takes 3 to 6 months to mature, after which they are cut. And how does pineapple grow?

    As the fruit ripens, the plants quickly begin to form daughter side shoots that are located both at the base of the leaf rose and rosette, as well as at the bottom of the fruit. When the succulent fruit is pruned, the plant loses its main point of growth, and further growth may continue due to new shoots.

    But in pineapples sold in stores, even if you look closely, it is unlikely that you will get at least one seed. How do pineapples grow in plantations and greenhouses? And where does the seed disappear?

How do pineapples grow on planting?

    As the pineapple became extremely popular all over the world, farmers engaged in its cultivation not only in South and Central America, where the plant was first found and grown, but also in other regions suitable for climatic conditions. The largest plantations of pineapple exist in Asia, South Africa, Australia, Australia and the southern United States.

    Here, culture is cultivated by intensive technology using large-fruited early maturing varieties. Pineapples penetrate the ground in the form of cuttings with roots at least 20 cm long. The plants are planted in two-rows, leaving a wide row spacing of about 1.5-2 m between individual pineapples. +


    The best varieties bloom 12 months after planting in the ground. When the crop is harvested, the plants are pruned, and new ones obtained from the shoots in the leaf sinuses are planted in their place.

    In the tropics, using the means of mechanical irrigation, it is possible to obtain modern pest and disease control products, as well as fertile and fertile, in the open field, three crops per year.

    But growing pineapple on a planting is not everything so easy. It turns out that in order to get a large planned crop, the plants are forced to bloom. Whereas earlier, common bonfire was smoked for this, today they use acetylene-containing plantings. Only under the influence of gas, the pineapple on the plantation begins to lay flower buds.

    The swelling seen on the long peduncle does not reduce the worries of the farmers. It turns out that it is possible to achieve a fruit crop by preventing cross pollination of plants that have no seeds or just their remedy.

    For this, protective measures against insects are used, and protective caps are also placed over each flower. Indeed, in Hawaii, for example, plants of this species prefer not to pollinate bees or butterflies, but hummingbirds.

Pineapple in the greenhouse: an unusual harvest from the summer cottage

    In Europe, pineapples have been grown in greenhouses in Europe since the 16th century, as tropical guests in South America. Today it is also possible, especially since modern technologies greatly facilitate the maintenance of pineapples in greenhouses and reduce the cost of their maintenance. Due to the type of surface of the root system, the need for pineapple in the soil is limited to a level of about 20 cm. With proper planning of watering and top dressing, as well as with the organization of additional illumination for 6-8 hours, the pineapple will grow, in the photo, no worse than that. Tropical planting. +


    The maximum temperature for growing this crop is 23-30 ° C. The background of low or high temperatures significantly affects the growth rate of the plant, which is weakened and can undergo attacks of all kinds of diseases and pests.


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