Improve cultivation of teak and earn profits and all history



    In Sanskrit it is called 'Shak'. It has been known in India for almost two millennia and has been becoming increasingly prevalent. This large, deciduous tree of the Verbenaceae clan. This branch and crown on the summit is spread all around. It is a native of India, Burma and Thailand, but also found in the Philippine Islands, Java and the Malaya Peninsula. In India, the Aravalli mountain is found in the west from 27 ° 50 ¢ to 25 ° 30 ¢ east longitude ie Jhansi. It has grown successfully in Assam and Punjab. A year with more than 50 inches of rain and 25 ° to 24 ° C. It grows well in hot places. For this, forests of 3000 feet height are more suitable. It can grow in all types of soil, but it is necessary to drain water or dry the subsoil. Its leaves fall in summer. In hot places the leaves start falling in January but in most places the leaves remain green till March. The leaves are one to two feet long and 4 to 12 inches wide. Its waxed flowers are white or white to some bluishness. The seeds are circular and fall off when ripened. The seeds contain oil. The seeds sprout very slowly. The trees are generally 100 to 150 feet tall and the torso is 3 to 4 feet in diameter.


    The bark of the torso is half an inch thick, gray or brown in color. Their rasakastha is white and the inner wood is green. The smell of the inner wood is pleasant and has a strong odor. The smell lasts for a long time.



Two teak chairs

    Teak wood is very sparse and very strong. The polish quickly climbs over it, making it very attractive. It has been found in hundreds of years old buildings. Even after two millennia, teak wood has been found in good condition. The termite does not invade the teak, though it eats rasakastha.


    Teak is mainly used in the manufacture of windows and frameworks, rail coaches and furniture of excellent quality, such as ships, boats, bags, etc.


    Two years old sapling, which is 5 to 10 feet high, is planted on good land and in about 40 years it grows to an average of 60 feet and the diameter of its torso can be one and a half to two feet. In Burma, the siege of a tree that is 40 years old becomes 2 feet in diameter, although it can take 200 years to become so thick in India. Most of the excellent teak wood in the forests of Travancore, Cochin, Madras, Coorg, Mysore, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh goes outside. The teak of Burma used to come to India in sufficient quantity but now it goes out from there itself. The wood of Thailand also goes to western countries.

    Unripe seed plants: In unripe seed plants, shells are found on the seeds and they are closed in fruits. Gram, pea, beans are the major dicot plants.

Improve cultivation of teak and earn profits

    A good variety of teak is generally cultivated for commercial use in which good profits can be made at low risk. In about 14 years, 10 to 15 cubic feet of wood can be obtained from a tree through scientific management with good irrigation, fertile soil.

    Teak is said to be the king of timber who belongs to the Verbanesi family. Its scientific name is Tactona grandis. Its tree is very tall and produces good quality wood. This is the reason why there is good demand in the country and abroad market. Items made from teak are of good quality and last longer. Therefore, there is always a huge demand for furniture made of teak wood both at home and at office. Teak has become an important part of people's lives all over the world. A good variety of teak is generally cultivated for commercial use in which good profits can be made at low risk. In about 14 years, 10 to 15 cubic feet of wood can be obtained from a tree through scientific management with good irrigation, fertile soil. During this time the length of the main trunk of the tree is 25-30 feet, thickness 35-45 inches. Generally, 400 trees of good quality genetic trees can be grown on one acre. For this, an interval of 9/12 feet is required between the teak plants.


    There are many types of teak in India. Nilambar (Malabar) Teak Southern and Central American Teak Western African Teak Adilabad Teak Godavari Teak Konni Teak Suitable season for teak cultivation

    Teak requires moisture and tropical environment. It tolerates high temperatures easily. But for better growth of teak, the highest 39 to 44 degree centigrade and the lowest 13 to 17 degree centigrade are suitable. It has good yields in areas with 1200 to 2500 mm rainfall. Rain, moisture, soil as well as light and temperature also play an important role in its cultivation.

Role of soil in teak farming

    Teak is best grown in alluvial soil consisting of limestone, lead, rock, husk and some volcanic rocks such as basalt. In contrast, yields are severely affected in dry sandy, shallow, acidic (pH 6.0) and marshy soils. Soil pH means that the amount of acidity in the soil determines the area and growth of cultivation. The range of soil pH in teak forest is wide, ranging from 6.5–7.5 to 5.0–8.0.

    Soil rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and organic elements is very suitable for teak. Several research results suggest that high amounts of calcium are essential for the growth and length of teak. This is the reason why teak has been named a calcareous species. The amount of calcium plays an important role in determining where teak cultivation will occur. Also, where the quantity of teak is greater, it also proves that there is more calcium. In the wild areas where the nursery is set up, it is very fertile and there is no need to add compost separately.

Teak plantation in nursery

    Teak nursery requires an area of ​​fine dry sandy soil with light gradient. The nursery has a bed of 1.2 meters. It has a space of 0.3 m to 0.6 m. Also 0.6 to 1.6 m for the line of beds. Is omitted instead. Up to 400–800 plants are produced in a bed. The bed is excavated for this. It is about 0.3 m. Is dug up and the root, peg and pebble are removed. The lump on the ground is broken and mixed well. This soil is left open for a month and then it is filled in the bed with sand and organic manure. The bed is raised up to 30 cm above the ground level to prevent water logging in the damp area. In dry areas the beds are kept at ground level. Particularly in very dry areas where 750 mm of rainfall is received, the slightly submerged beds in the water give good results. From a standard bed that is 12 m. It contains about 3 to 12 kg of seeds. At the same time, about 5 kg of seeds are used in Nilambur, Kerala.

    Teak is sown by spreading or dispersing the methods of planting and keeping 5 to 10 per cent apart in sequential or debilling methods. Sowing is more beneficial in a gradual or debilling way, and is good and strong growing. The beds usually do not require an upper shed. Except in very dry areas where there is no need for irrigation. In such circumstances, weed does not flourish here.

Importance of place in teak planting

Teak planting should be between 2m x 2m, 2.5m x 2.5m or 3m x 3m. It can also be planted with other crops, but it is necessary to have a gap or gap of 4m x 4m or 5m x 1m.

Preparation and cultivation of land and precautions in teak plantation

     The place for plantation of teak should be flat or lightly sloping (which has a good drainage system). Soil with shale and shale is good for teak. The area with alluvial soil is considered very good for good growth of teak. At the same time, laterite or its gravel, clay, black loamy soil, loamy and gravel are not good for teak plants. For plantation, it is necessary to do a good plowing of the entire land at one level. It is necessary to dig a pit in a straight line at the right place of planting. Some important things for teak planting - Use a pre-sprouted peg or poly pot. Dig a pit measuring 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm. Re-spice soil, agricultural field manure and pesticide. Also, put good soil containing organic manure in the dug pit of gravel area. Add 100 grams of manure to the pit during planting and after that, depending on the fertility of the soil, keep adding different amounts of manure. The best season for teak cultivation is monsoon, especially the first rainy season for good growth of the plant. In between, weeding should also be done, weeding once in the first year, twice in the second year and once in the third year is sufficient. Finalize soil preparation after planting and arrange irrigation where necessary. Weeding out the weeds in the initial year ensures good teak growth.

Weed control

    It is very important to pay attention to weed control in the first two-three years of plantation of teak. The campaign to remove the hazards at regular intervals should be carried out. It is necessary to run this campaign thrice in the first year, twice in the second year and once in the third year. The thing to keep in mind here is that teak is a tree of such species, which needs adequate sunlight for growth and development.

Techniques of irrigation in teak farming

    Irrigation is very important for plant growth in the initial days. Irrigation should be continued along with weed control, the ratio of which is 3,2,1. Along with this, soil work should also be going on. Fertilizer should be applied twice in August and September. 50 grams of NPK (15:15:15) should be added to each plant for three consecutive years. Regular irrigation and pruning of the plant increases the width of the stem. It all depends on the growth of the top part of the plant such as reduction in the number of trees per acre. In other words, plants with higher height but less number or plants with lower height but higher number. Teak trees with irrigation facilities grow rapidly but at the same time, the quantity of juicy wood increases. In this case the stem of the plant becomes weak and it is damaged by wind. In this case, water blisters are formed in the plant. Such trees are strong in appearance from outside, but become hollow from inside due to fungus born due to water logging.


    In teak cultivation, plants usually grow well between 13 and 40 degrees. 1250 to 3750 mm of rainfall every year is sufficient for its cultivation. At the same time, a good quality tree requires four months of dry year and only less than 60 mm of rain is good during this time. The difference between the trees, the timing of truncation of the stem makes a difference on the growth of the plant. If the crop is delayed or if it is delayed earlier or more, then it also has a negative effect on its cultivation.


Importance of pruning in teak cultivation

    Usually the teak plant is harvested between five and ten years of planting. During this time the quality of the place and the gaps between the plants are also taken into consideration. At the same time, the first and second harvesting of the plant with good location and close interval (1.8 × 1.8 m and 2 × 2) is done on the fifth and tenth year. After the second harvesting, 25 percent of the plant is released for growth.

   Difference between minor plantation crops. The difference between teak cultivation during the first two years is the crop grown, especially where there is arable land. Once the land is leased, the lessee starts cleaning the land, burning pegs and planting trees. Wheat, paddy, maize, sesame and chilli as well as vegetable cultivation are commonly used in the midst of teak cultivation. Some crops such as sugarcane, banana, jute, cotton, pumpkin, cucumber are not cultivated. Problems in teak cultivation Pests like termites and termites cause heavy damage to growing teak plants. The teak plant usually has polyporous jonalis which throttles the root of the plant. Pink colored fungus makes the plant hollow. Olivia tectone and Unsinula tectone cause powdery mildew, which causes premature leaf loss. After this, it becomes necessary to take prophylactic measures for the safety of the plant. Juice of fresh leaves of Kelotropis procera, Detura Metal and Azadirachta indica are highly effective in fighting these diseases. Compared to organic and inorganic manure, it helps to eliminate harmful pests well and also does not harm the environment.

    Note- Please contact your nearest agriculture department for technical evaluation of the existing pest, disease and how much it will cost to control the plant. Things to keep in mind in teak harvesting- Put a mark on the tree to be cut and write the serial number. Register a report with the Chief Regional Forest Officer in this regard. Sending a report to the local forest officer about the process of pruning or harvesting is started. Teak yields A teak tree gives 10 to 15 cubic feet of wood during 14 years. The main stem of teak is usually 25 to 30 feet high and is about 35 to 45 inches thick. About 400 teak trees of advanced variety are grown on one acre. For this, it is necessary to keep an interval of 9/12 feet during planting. Marketing of Teak Teak is in great demand in the market and it is also very easy to sell it. In addition to the buy back scheme, there are also local timber markets. Teak cultivation is highly beneficial due to the high demand in the domestic and international market. Sincerely: IFFCO Live


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